
A Woman’s Guide to Reviving Sexual Libido

A Woman's Guide to Reviving Sexual Libido
Libido simply means sex drive. A woman’s desire for sex can vary individually. When a woman is in a new relationship she will experience what is commonly called “the honeymoon phase” where sex is abundant whilst over a period a woman’s sex drive will decrease. The frequency of sexual activity ranges from daily to not happening at all. If you are concerned about the decrease in your sexual libido, you might need to seek professional help.
What causes female sexual dysfunction?
Female sexual dysfunction is caused by changes in the sexual desire of women. Menopause is common to induce a decline in a woman’s desire for sex. This is primarily due to a hormonal imbalance. Dyspareunia can cause pain during sexual activity with women. Women who have given birth can experience a decline in their sexual libidos due to hormonal changes especially with the increase of prolactin which is responsible for decreasing female’s sexual libido.
Infections can also be contributing factors to female sexual dysfunction. Women do experience issues with achieving orgasm and the underlying factors which cause this can stem from both medical and psychological reasons. Infections such as thrush or yeast infections can take any woman’s desire for sex away in an instant.
Diagnosis methods
There are different diagnosis methods which can be utilized in diagnosing women with low sexual libidos. Doctors can perform physical examinations which consist of family histories as well as checking the overall health of the female who is experiencing a low sexual libido. Blood and urine tests are utilized with diagnosing methods as well as hormone tests.
Reduced sexual libidos are treated with various styles. Treatments can include seeking any underlying medical problems which the patient might have. Hormone replacement therapy which typically adjusts the balance of hormones in a female’s body. Anti-depressants and stress management have proved to work with females suffering from low sexual libidos. Counseling aids as well with the emotional factors involved with females suffering from sexual issues.
Many counseling options are available for women if first they become accepting of the problem. Counseling can aid women with learning new communication skills which will in return aid them in their relationships with their sexual partners. Underlying issues can be addressed through therapy as well as education on different sexual techniques and fantasies and desires.
Some women are reluctant to seek counseling to aid them with their low sexual libido issue however, it is of the utmost importance that if emotional or psychological factors are the problem for their low sexual libido’s they must seek counseling to realize what these issues are.
Where should women seek help for low sexual libidos?
Where can women seek help for their low sexual libidos? Their first place to check should always be with their family doctor. A woman’s family doctor can provide referrals to sex therapists or psychologist. Urologists can aid women as well if there are some underlying medical problems which are affecting a woman’s desire to have sex.
Things every woman should remember.
Some things which women need to know about low sexual libidos is that the desire for sexual activity varies individually. Some of the many factors which can affect low sexual libidos in women can be stress, feeling rushed, not being compatible with your sexual partner and any types of drugs which you might currently be taking.
Illegal drug usage as well as alcohol abuse can cause a low sexual libido in women. If you are currently taking prescribed medications, you should check to see what the side effects are. If one of the side effects is a decrease in your sex drive, discuss with your medical doctor an alternative to the medication which you are currently taking.
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