
Keeps A Secret Better Than Your Best Friend

Lockable Vibrator Case Large Black

Lockable Vibrator Case Large (Black)

If you own sex toys, then one of your fears is having them discovered by prying, nosy little eyes. Put your mind to rest with this lovely secure LOCKABLE sex toy storage case. The key-less locking system is a great way to keep all of your naughty secrets just that, SECRET!

"Make no mistake, this case will not keep out the determined, but it will keep out the casual snooper or at least let you know it was tampered with. This case was slightly larger than I'd originally anticipated, longer than wide. There are two individual dial locks on each side and I think you can set each to a different combination should you feel the need. The case is discreet and my partner commented that it looked exactly like a makeup case. It is light but for the money pretty stiff :) The adjustable, folding shelf on the inside helps to accommodate the larger toys but still allows liquid items to safely sit above and separate from the other items."



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